Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cheating vs tricks ...

I stopped playing Wii long time ago, same thing with blogging about that topic. Nowadays the world's best Wii Fit player comes from Holland. Nevertheless I still receive comments and e-mails and the Wii Fit Top Dog blog stats are quite impressive from time to time. Seems like this blog shares information a lot of people are searching for ...

Many ask me bout cheating. They go like "I am searching for the cheat at Wii Fit Ski Slalom, how can I get 18s26?" or whatever. Seems like it's all about cheating, right? I say it's not, at least not to me and to some friends I still got from that time.

To me playing Wii Fit excessively in 2009 was not about cheating. First of all, I just loved the game. I loved that worldwide competition on wii-records.com. It was about getting ripped again after a period of collecting some extra weight. It was about becoming the world's best Wii Fit player - which I was for one year.

Of course there were special moves I used, but these moves aren't cheating - I call them tricks. Please notice: records like Wii Fit Ski Slalom 18s26 and Wii Fit Snowboard Slalom17s98 I achieved on my feet. Same thing with some other guys. Believe it or not.

Tricks used in video games, with women or life in general ... there are many parallels. You're often forced to use tricks to become successful, aren't you?

Women are a good example. There are a lot of tricks to get good with 'em. Without these moves ... well sometimes it's hard without tricks. By the way, there is a great book on how to get good with women. Of course I know this is a blog concerned with video games. But if you also like girls and German language ain't a problem for ya - go get that book, it's worth it, I promise:
