Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wii Fit Ski Slalom world records - update

Now I just need the three Tightrope Tension world records to become the first perfect Wii Fit Balance player...

The 18s23 Ski Slalom Beginner record was nothing but fake, 18s26 is the one and only Wii Fit Ski Slalom level 1 world record. I think that's it.

On the one hand I don't like fake records...

On the other hand I'm thankful in some way. Without that person's level 1 fake record - 3 centiseconds better than mine which I chased for weeks - I would have never gotten so far in both Wii Fit Ski Slalom levels.

Try to beat these scores now, it won't be easy.


  1. Well, my new Wii Fit Ski Slalom level 2 record is 28s41 which I didn't upload yet because the new world record is 28s35 as you can see here.

    Will cowboy manage to break it?

  2. 28s40 uploaded on

    I'm getting nearer, my French friends.

  3. 28.40 Record.. i got something with 18 Seconds!!
    How could i upload to Wii-Records?

  4. you got round 18 seconds in level 1, I'm talking about level 2. Just register at and upload your records, my anonymous friend.
