Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The future of Wii Fit at Wii-Records.com

After a turbulent week-end in Rhythm Boxing with lots of impressive new world records we now know that it is way too early for tied wiinners in Boxing, this game is not finished yet. In the short to medium term the Boxing world record holders will frequently change and so will the scores.

In the long run nearly all of the Wii Fit subcategories at Wii-Records.com here will have tied wiinners, yet round 30 of 89 subcategories are non-tied. More and more players stepping in competition lead to more tied world records, not only in Yoga and the Muscle categories but also in the Balance games. Sooner or later these game will have tied wiinners, too.

The near future of Wii Fit, however, might look a little different. Let's take a look at Wii Fit Aerobics, because this is the most interesting category by far. The six Wii Fit categories you can see on the picture above.

Three players will stay dominating the Aerobics top records in the near future: andrewbiles, msimms and cowboy.

andrewbiles will keep his three Free Step world records for a long time if not forever. There is no leaderboard on that game which makes his fantastic records extremely hard to beat.

Of course msimms will have his six Jogging world records, who else but him.

I will own the whole Hula Hoop thing, four world records with lots of points...

Free Jogging is comparable to Rhythm Boxing, we're gonna see lots of new world records in the near future of these subcategories.

To sum it up: Apart from round 70 United Nations flags on the near future Wii Fit top records page, we will see frequently changing flags on Rhythm Boxing and Free Jogging while the rest of the scores will be split into British and German records.

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